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We have something for every kind of traveler. When planning your trip in Kos, why start anywhere else?


  • What's so great about Kos Activities?

    Our team of travel insiders is obsessed with finding the best things to do in Kos from traditional tours to once-in-a-lifetime experiences. We have something for every kind of traveler. When planning your trip in Kos, why start anywhere else?

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    We spend our years of experience on your week of enjoyment. From our offices, our team of travel insiders handpicks the best tours and activity providers. We make sure you always have an exceptional experience.

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    Getting a great deal makes a fantastic trip even better. So naturally, we offer great deals. In fact, many of our deals can't be found anywhere else. And we'll save you the time of trying with our low price guarantee. Now your wallet can relax like it's on vacation, too.

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    We're here to help. Call or email our contact center anytime, we're always here. We might not get out much, but we know what we are talking about, which means we can actually help. And we're nice too!

  • Easy, Anywhere, Anytime at kosactivities.gr

    Find out of your way places without going out of your way. At Kos Activities it's all about making things easier for you. You want to pre-book your trips at home from a laptop? You've got it. You want to book on the go, in your destination, from your phone or mobile device? No problem.